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Our projects straddle quantum many-body systems, topological phases, chiral active fluid, fluid dynamics applied to strongly correlated electron systems.


Note for interested undergrads and graduate students: Our last few projects have not involved any computers, but if you are more comfortable computationally answering questions we can always brainstorm such directions. Undergraduates and or Master's students can expect to work on fluid dynamics. Reach out if you are interested in working or discussing physics

Fractional Quantum Hall effect

Many insights into two-dimensional topological phases can be obtained by examining the properties of their spatial boundaries. These boundaries are particularly interesting in cases where they host gapless edge excitations. The structure of these edge modes can then be conveniently described in terms of an edge theory.

We want to refine our understanding of FQH phases from the point of view of what kind of edge theories can be gapped or at least written as a finite-dimensional Hilbert space. 

Non-linear edge theories of FQH states using topological fluid dynamics.

This is an upcoming paper where we study how hydrodynamic actions for FQH enables to study edge physics from the POV of fluid boundary conditions such as no-stress or no-slip. 

All aspects of parity broken hydrodynamics in 2 and 3 dimensions.

We are extremely active in understanding how parity breaking (in particular 2D and 3D odd viscosity) interplays for fluid dynamics at a non-linear level. We have in the past derived some constraint on these fluids to be Hamiltonian by stumbling upon the physics of non-holonomic systems. 

Quantum Chaos and Thermalization, and maybe... Turbulence

I am interested in understanding the quantization of a classically chaotic system. Competition between quantum effects and chaotic behavior is quite fascinating and many-body quantum systems transitioning to many-body classically chaotic dynamics (and in that order) is one of the open directions in physics.    

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